Sunday, October 7, 2012

Snippets Sunday!

 This is one of my rats, her name is George. :)
I studied pretty much all dang day! So sorry this post is late.
I also moved my makeup around. I found an easier way to store it all. This shelf is just the stuff I wear on a daily basis, big palettes that didn't fit with everything else, and stuff that needs to be reviewed. I got a desk with a lap drawer, and almost everything else fits in it.
For my birthday last month my Dad got me this book about unicorns... I am so in love with it. I looked through it today when I took a break from studying.

During my break from studying also, my family and I bought an elliptical for our garage from a friend of mine from college. If you haven't noticed from my right sidebar, I am on myfitnesspal and have lost 8 pounds so far. My mom has lost about 40, but she's been doing it longer than I have. We got a pretty good deal on the elliptical, she charged us $30 for it. So, I'm pretty stoked about that.

Also during my break I went on a walk with my Mother to Walmart to drop off some film. I ended up buying House on Haunted Hill. :) Haha. Tomorrow I have a test online in the morning, and then I'll be going to Party City with my friend, Robert. I will also hopefully finish editing everything for the huge collective haul and have it posted tomorrow! Maybe even an ootd, we'll see. :)

How was your Sunday?

Love, Noralee


Clara said...

That looks like a great book! And congrats for you and your mom on losing those pounds, losing weight can be so hard! =)

Le Fresne said...

Aw, George is so cute!
Congratulations of the study and weight dedication :)

le fresne x

L'Oreal Extraordinary Oils VoxBox

At the beginning of this month I was sent the L'Oreal Extraordinary Oils voxbox from Influenster. I received: Shampoo Condition...